The Pursuit

To create educational videos exploring the science behind what we do, and why we do it, in lawn care. Join us as we discuss the chemical and biological properties of plants, herbicides, fungicides, fertilizers and biostimulants. We’ll talk about their use in functional, high performance turfgrass situations as well as how to use them in a residential setting.


The History

As a Highlander, Matt Martin has been around turf for a while. He’s managed turf on all 9 continents of this planet, you’re just only allowed to know about 7 of them. Matt Martin has a background that isn’t just another pushy sales guy trying to hock the item with the biggest profit margin. Matt has even had the experience of creating a multimillion-dollar fertilizer company, and the stones to talk publicly about the struggles of it during the middle of a Bliblical Plague.

Turf Management:

Ever tried to grow grass on the moon? Matt Martin has. Thought spraying your herbicide was hard with 15MPH winds? Try it in zero g.


With a degree in Cosmic Badassery, Matt Martin has forgotten more about turf than you’ll ever know.